Thirsty Thursday: Honey Lavender Infused Lemonade Cocktail

For when BBQs & pool time need a little something extra. 

Honey Lavender Simple Syrup


  • equal parts honey and water, any amount
  • lavender pods


  1. Combine honey, lavendar and water in a saucepan. Warm over medium-low heat, stirring, until honey dissolves completely.
  2. Remove from heat and let cool completely. Pour into a glass jar, and store in the refrigerator

Homemade Lemonade


  • 1 1/2 cups fresh squeezed lemonade
  • 6 cups of water
  • simple syrup to taste

To make the cocktail, pour a 1 oz. shot of vodka in a shaker with ice. Add 1 C. of the homemade honey lavender lemonade - and enjoy! 
