Featured! Kym Ventola Photography Blog


Working in the wedding industry, I've been fortunate to meet some incredible individuals. One of these people is Kym Ventola, a very talented photographer and all around wonderful soul.

(insert photo of us I wish we had)

Last week, Kym featured a interview with yours truly, with a few fun questions about being a wedding planner, tips for current and future brides. If you have a moment to spare - check it out!

And stick around to oogle some of her past wedding galleries...you won't be disappointed. The above photo is just a teaser, snapped just moments after the bride rounded the corner making her way to her husband to be. This moment, during our first wedding working together, left me melted into a COMPLETE puddle on the ground. We really are the luckiest.


Published! Arizona Weddings Magazine


Well it's official. After years of ghostwriting for clients, contributing to online magazines, blogging and guest blogging - I can finally say that I, Katherine Thornhill, am published in PRINT. Woohoo!


As I flipped through the pages of the new Arizona Weddings Magazine at the issue launch party last week, I stopped on the page that lists contributing writers, and managed to (mostly) subdue a giddy squeal as I saw my name. To hold your published piece, physically in your hand, is a joy that I couldn't have hoped to accomplish this early in life. 

This is real nerd speak, as the girl of my childhood silently cheers me on in the deserted aisles of the library where I used to spend my after school hours, my weekends and my summer breaks. I used to find a place in the back of the library, where passerby traffic was low (hint: historical non-fiction) holed up with a stack of books to read. I usually completed the "school's out summer reading challenge" within the first week of vacation. That fact, which used to embarrass me to no end, suddenly seems so obviously worthwhile as I strive to find more and more writing opportunities at this point in my career. I can't get enough! 

Back to the point. 

The Arizona Weddings Magazine June/July issue, now on newsstands, is a great publication packed full of ideas for your wedding. My two articles, on welcoming your guests and local photographers, can be found on pages 112 and 322 - BUT I highly suggest you flip through the entire 400+ page issue. She is a beaut.

View the Issue Here


Friday Favorites: Part II




In an effort to spread a little more love & grateful feelings into the world, I've decided to start publishing a few lists here and there. Quick messages of thanks to the people, businesses and signs from the universe that made my life more fulfilled (and oftentimes, easier!) during the week. 

To Lola, my soul's match in a coffee shop, thank you for repeatedly letting me sit at your counter and drink your cinnamon americanos, while meeting with future clients and industry friends. You always have a few big ol peonies blooming, which make my heart smile. PS - the new art on display is killer. 

To Misha and Teresa, my cohorts in pith + marrow, thank you for another successful event. I'm so thankful to have stumbled on this wonderful friendship & business partnership! I'm SO looking forward to our staycation retreat. A little fire isn't going to stop this train ;)

To Olga, my eyebrow lady, you are so.so.so.so. good. Thank you for restoring my confidence to take over the world with great-brow-power.

To Neimans, thank you for welcoming me back with open arms, bringing me on to do a bit of freelance PR. It appears you knew I couldn't stay away for long. 

To my photographer friends, who I had the privilege to hang out with this week - you all are so talented!! Apologies for lurking your websites for so long and likely throwing off your analytics. Let's make up at least 5 excuses to work together asap. Mmmk? (cc: Daniel, Karie & Galaxie)

To Christopher, who helped me cover the hideous sage green walls of my office. I told you navy blue was a great idea.

To my in-home office, thank you for finally absorbing the smell of your fresh coats of paint. I think I nearly asphyxiated myself on Monday and Tuesday, which is not great for productivity. P.s. I love you. Working from home is the bees knees.

So tell me! Who or what made your life a little better this week?
